[−][src]Module libxml::bindings
Bindings to the C interface
pub use self::xmlElementType as xmlNsType; |
Type Definitions
FILE | |
OldUChar | |
UBool | |
UChar | |
UChar32 | |
UConverterCallbackReason | |
UConverterFromUCallback | |
UConverterPlatform | |
UConverterToUCallback | |
UConverterType | |
UConverterUnicodeSet | |
UDate | |
UErrorCode | |
UVersionInfo | |
_Float32 | |
_Float32x | |
_Float64 | |
_Float64x | |
_IO_lock_t | |
__FILE | |
__blkcnt64_t | |
__blkcnt_t | |
__blksize_t | |
__builtin_va_list | |
__caddr_t | |
__clock_t | |
__clockid_t | |
__codecvt_result | |
__compar_fn_t | |
__daddr_t | |
__dev_t | |
__fd_mask | |
__fsblkcnt64_t | |
__fsblkcnt_t | |
__fsfilcnt64_t | |
__fsfilcnt_t | |
__fsword_t | |
__gid_t | |
__gnuc_va_list | |
__id_t | |
__ino64_t | |
__ino_t | |
__int8_t | |
__int16_t | |
__int32_t | |
__int64_t | |
__intmax_t | |
__intptr_t | |
__io_close_fn | |
__io_read_fn | |
__io_seek_fn | |
__io_write_fn | |
__key_t | |
__loff_t | |
__mode_t | |
__nlink_t | |
__off64_t | |
__off_t | |
__pid_t | |
__pthread_list_t | |
__quad_t | |
__rlim64_t | |
__rlim_t | |
__sig_atomic_t | |
__socklen_t | |
__ssize_t | |
__suseconds_t | |
__syscall_slong_t | |
__syscall_ulong_t | |
__time_t | |
__timer_t | |
__u_char | |
__u_int | |
__u_long | |
__u_quad_t | |
__u_short | |
__uid_t | |
__uint8_t | |
__uint16_t | |
__uint32_t | |
__uint64_t | |
__uintmax_t | |
__useconds_t | |
attributeDeclSAXFunc |
attributeDeclSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @elem: the name of the element @fullname: the attribute name @type: the attribute type @def: the type of default value @defaultValue: the attribute default value @tree: the tree of enumerated value set |
attributeSAXFunc |
attributeSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The attribute name, including namespace prefix @value: The attribute value |
blkcnt_t | |
blksize_t | |
caddr_t | |
cdataBlockSAXFunc |
cdataBlockSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @value: The pcdata content @len: the block length |
charactersSAXFunc |
charactersSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @ch: a xmlChar string @len: the number of xmlChar |
clock_t | |
clockid_t | |
commentSAXFunc |
commentSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @value: the comment content |
daddr_t | |
dev_t | |
docbDocPtr | |
docbParserCtxt | |
docbParserCtxtPtr | |
docbParserInput | |
docbParserInputPtr | |
docbSAXHandler | |
docbSAXHandlerPtr | |
elementDeclSAXFunc |
elementDeclSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: the element name @type: the element type @content: the element value tree |
endDocumentSAXFunc |
endDocumentSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) |
endElementNsSAX2Func |
endElementNsSAX2Func: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @localname: the local name of the element @prefix: the element namespace prefix if available @URI: the element namespace name if available |
endElementSAXFunc |
endElementSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The element name |
entityDeclSAXFunc |
entityDeclSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: the entity name @type: the entity type @publicId: The public ID of the entity @systemId: The system ID of the entity @content: the entity value (without processing). |
errorSAXFunc |
errorSAXFunc: @ctx: an XML parser context @msg: the message to display/transmit @...: extra parameters for the message display |
externalSubsetSAXFunc |
externalSubsetSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: the root element name @ExternalID: the external ID @SystemID: the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL) |
fatalErrorSAXFunc |
fatalErrorSAXFunc: @ctx: an XML parser context @msg: the message to display/transmit @...: extra parameters for the message display |
fd_mask | |
fpos_t | |
fsblkcnt_t | |
fsfilcnt_t | |
fsid_t | |
ftpDataCallback |
ftpDataCallback: @userData: the user provided context @data: the data received @len: its size in bytes |
ftpListCallback |
ftpListCallback: @userData: user provided data for the callback @filename: the file name (including "->" when links are shown) @attrib: the attribute string @owner: the owner string @group: the group string @size: the file size @links: the link count @year: the year @month: the month @day: the day @hour: the hour @minute: the minute |
getEntitySAXFunc |
getEntitySAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The entity name |
getParameterEntitySAXFunc |
getParameterEntitySAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The entity name |
gid_t | |
hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc |
hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) |
hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc |
hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) |
htmlDocPtr | |
htmlElemDesc | |
htmlElemDescPtr | |
htmlEntityDesc | |
htmlEntityDescPtr | |
htmlNodePtr | |
htmlParserCtxt | |
htmlParserCtxtPtr | |
htmlParserInput | |
htmlParserInputPtr | |
htmlParserNodeInfo | |
htmlParserOption |
xmlParserOption: |
htmlSAXHandler | |
htmlSAXHandlerPtr | |
htmlStatus | |
iconv_t | |
id_t | |
idtype_t | |
ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc |
ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @ch: a xmlChar string @len: the number of xmlChar |
ino_t | |
int_fast8_t | |
int_fast16_t | |
int_fast32_t | |
int_fast64_t | |
int_least8_t | |
int_least16_t | |
int_least32_t | |
int_least64_t | |
internalSubsetSAXFunc |
internalSubsetSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: the root element name @ExternalID: the external ID @SystemID: the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL) |
intmax_t | |
isStandaloneSAXFunc |
isStandaloneSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) |
key_t | |
loff_t | |
mode_t | |
nlink_t | |
notationDeclSAXFunc |
notationDeclSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The name of the notation @publicId: The public ID of the entity @systemId: The system ID of the entity |
off_t | |
pid_t | |
processingInstructionSAXFunc |
processingInstructionSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @target: the target name @data: the PI data's |
pthread_key_t | |
pthread_once_t | |
pthread_spinlock_t | |
pthread_t | |
quad_t | |
referenceSAXFunc |
referenceSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The entity name |
register_t | |
resolveEntitySAXFunc |
resolveEntitySAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @publicId: The public ID of the entity @systemId: The system ID of the entity |
setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc |
setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @loc: A SAX Locator |
sigset_t | |
startDocumentSAXFunc |
startDocumentSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) |
startElementNsSAX2Func |
startElementNsSAX2Func: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @localname: the local name of the element @prefix: the element namespace prefix if available @URI: the element namespace name if available @nb_namespaces: number of namespace definitions on that node @namespaces: pointer to the array of prefix/URI pairs namespace definitions @nb_attributes: the number of attributes on that node @nb_defaulted: the number of defaulted attributes. The defaulted ones are at the end of the array @attributes: pointer to the array of (localname/prefix/URI/value/end) attribute values. |
startElementSAXFunc |
startElementSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The element name, including namespace prefix @atts: An array of name/value attributes pairs, NULL terminated |
suseconds_t | |
time_t | |
timer_t | |
u_char | |
u_int | |
u_int8_t | |
u_int16_t | |
u_int32_t | |
u_int64_t | |
u_long | |
u_quad_t | |
u_short | |
uconv_t | |
uid_t | |
uint | |
uint_fast8_t | |
uint_fast16_t | |
uint_fast32_t | |
uint_fast64_t | |
uint_least8_t | |
uint_least16_t | |
uint_least32_t | |
uint_least64_t | |
uintmax_t | |
ulong | |
unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc |
unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc: @ctx: the user data (XML parser context) @name: The name of the entity @publicId: The public ID of the entity @systemId: The system ID of the entity @notationName: the name of the notation |
ushort | |
va_list | |
warningSAXFunc |
warningSAXFunc: @ctx: an XML parser context @msg: the message to display/transmit @...: extra parameters for the message display |
wchar_t | |
xlinkActuate | |
xlinkExtendedLinkFunk |
xlinkExtendedLinkFunk: @ctx: user data pointer @node: the node carrying the link @nbLocators: the number of locators detected on the link @hrefs: pointer to the array of locator hrefs @roles: pointer to the array of locator roles @nbArcs: the number of arcs detected on the link @from: pointer to the array of source roles found on the arcs @to: pointer to the array of target roles found on the arcs @show: array of values for the show attributes found on the arcs @actuate: array of values for the actuate attributes found on the arcs @nbTitles: the number of titles detected on the link @title: array of titles detected on the link @langs: array of xml:lang values for the titles |
xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk |
xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk: @ctx: user data pointer @node: the node carrying the link @nbLocators: the number of locators detected on the link @hrefs: pointer to the array of locator hrefs @roles: pointer to the array of locator roles @nbTitles: the number of titles detected on the link @title: array of titles detected on the link @langs: array of xml:lang values for the titles |
xlinkHRef |
Various defines for the various Link properties. |
xlinkHandler |
This is the structure containing a set of Links detection callbacks. |
xlinkHandlerPtr | |
xlinkNodeDetectFunc |
xlinkNodeDetectFunc: @ctx: user data pointer @node: the node to check |
xlinkRole | |
xlinkShow | |
xlinkSimpleLinkFunk |
xlinkSimpleLinkFunk: @ctx: user data pointer @node: the node carrying the link @href: the target of the link @role: the role string @title: the link title |
xlinkTitle | |
xlinkType | |
xmlAttr |
xmlAttr: |
xmlAttrPtr | |
xmlAttribute |
xmlAttribute: |
xmlAttributeDefault |
xmlAttributeDefault: |
xmlAttributePtr | |
xmlAttributeTable | |
xmlAttributeTablePtr | |
xmlAttributeType |
xmlAttributeType: |
xmlAutomata |
xmlAutomataPtr: |
xmlAutomataPtr | |
xmlAutomataState |
xmlAutomataStatePtr: |
xmlAutomataStatePtr | |
xmlBuf |
xmlBuf: |
xmlBufPtr |
xmlBufPtr: |
xmlBuffer |
xmlBuffer: |
xmlBufferAllocationScheme |
xmlBufferAllocationScheme: |
xmlBufferPtr | |
xmlC14NMode | |
xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback |
This is the core C14N function / /** xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback: @user_data: user data @node: the curent node @parent: the parent node |
xmlCatalog | |
xmlCatalogAllow | |
xmlCatalogPrefer | |
xmlCatalogPtr | |
xmlChLRange | |
xmlChLRangePtr | |
xmlChRangeGroup | |
xmlChRangeGroupPtr | |
xmlChSRange | |
xmlChSRangePtr | |
xmlChar |
xmlChar: |
xmlCharEncoding | |
xmlCharEncodingHandler | |
xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr | |
xmlCharEncodingInputFunc |
xmlCharEncodingInputFunc: @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the UTF-8 result @outlen: the length of @out @in: a pointer to an array of chars in the original encoding @inlen: the length of @in |
xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc |
xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc: @out: a pointer to an array of bytes to store the result @outlen: the length of @out @in: a pointer to an array of UTF-8 chars @inlen: the length of @in |
xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction |
xmlDOMWrapAcquireNsFunction: @ctxt: a DOM wrapper context @node: the context node (element or attribute) @nsName: the requested namespace name @nsPrefix: the requested namespace prefix |
xmlDOMWrapCtxt | |
xmlDOMWrapCtxtPtr | |
xmlDeregisterNodeFunc |
xmlDeregisterNodeFunc: @node: the current node |
xmlDict | |
xmlDictPtr | |
xmlDoc |
xmlDoc: |
xmlDocProperties |
xmlDocProperty |
xmlDocPtr | |
xmlDtd |
xmlDtd: |
xmlDtdPtr | |
xmlElement |
xmlElement: |
xmlElementContent |
xmlElementContent: |
xmlElementContentOccur |
xmlElementContentOccur: |
xmlElementContentPtr | |
xmlElementContentType |
xmlElementContentType: |
xmlElementPtr | |
xmlElementTable | |
xmlElementTablePtr | |
xmlElementType | |
xmlElementTypeVal |
xmlElementTypeVal: |
xmlEntitiesTable | |
xmlEntitiesTablePtr | |
xmlEntity | |
xmlEntityPtr | |
xmlEntityReferenceFunc |
xmlEntityReferenceFunc: @ent: the entity @firstNode: the fist node in the chunk @lastNode: the last nod in the chunk |
xmlEntityType | |
xmlEnumeration |
xmlEnumeration: |
xmlEnumerationPtr | |
xmlError |
xmlError: |
xmlErrorDomain |
xmlErrorDomain: |
xmlErrorLevel |
xmlErrorLevel: |
xmlErrorPtr | |
xmlExpCtxt | |
xmlExpCtxtPtr | |
xmlExpNode | |
xmlExpNodePtr | |
xmlExpNodeType | |
xmlExternalEntityLoader |
xmlExternalEntityLoader: @URL: The System ID of the resource requested @ID: The Public ID of the resource requested @context: the XML parser context |
xmlFeature |
xmlFeature: |
xmlFreeFunc |
xmlFreeFunc: @mem: an already allocated block of memory |
xmlGenericErrorFunc |
xmlGenericErrorFunc: @ctx: a parsing context @msg: the message @...: the extra arguments of the varags to format the message |
xmlGlobalState | |
xmlGlobalStatePtr | |
xmlHashCopier |
xmlHashCopier: @payload: the data in the hash @name: the name associated |
xmlHashDeallocator |
xmlHashDeallocator: @payload: the data in the hash @name: the name associated |
xmlHashScanner |
xmlHashScanner: @payload: the data in the hash @data: extra scannner data @name: the name associated |
xmlHashScannerFull |
xmlHashScannerFull: @payload: the data in the hash @data: extra scannner data @name: the name associated @name2: the second name associated @name3: the third name associated |
xmlHashTable | |
xmlHashTablePtr | |
xmlID |
xmlID: |
xmlIDPtr | |
xmlIDTable | |
xmlIDTablePtr | |
xmlInputCloseCallback |
xmlInputCloseCallback: @context: an Input context |
xmlInputMatchCallback |
xmlInputMatchCallback: @filename: the filename or URI |
xmlInputOpenCallback |
xmlInputOpenCallback: @filename: the filename or URI |
xmlInputReadCallback |
xmlInputReadCallback: @context: an Input context @buffer: the buffer to store data read @len: the length of the buffer in bytes |
xmlLink | |
xmlLinkPtr | |
xmlList | |
xmlListDataCompare |
xmlListDataCompare: @data0: the first data @data1: the second data |
xmlListDeallocator |
xmlListDeallocator: @lk: the data to deallocate |
xmlListPtr | |
xmlListWalker |
xmlListWalker: @data: the data found in the list @user: extra user provided data to the walker |
xmlLocationSet | |
xmlLocationSetPtr | |
xmlMallocFunc |
xmlMallocFunc: @size: the size requested in bytes |
xmlModule |
xmlModulePtr: |
xmlModuleOption |
xmlModuleOption: |
xmlModulePtr | |
xmlMutex | |
xmlMutexPtr | |
xmlNode |
xmlNode: |
xmlNodePtr | |
xmlNodeSet | |
xmlNodeSetPtr | |
xmlNotation |
xmlNotation: |
xmlNotationPtr | |
xmlNotationTable | |
xmlNotationTablePtr | |
xmlNs |
xmlNs: |
xmlNsPtr | |
xmlOutputBuffer | |
xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc |
xmlOutputBufferCreateFilenameFunc: @URI: the URI to write to @enc: the requested target encoding |
xmlOutputBufferPtr | |
xmlOutputCloseCallback |
xmlOutputCloseCallback: @context: an Output context |
xmlOutputMatchCallback |
xmlOutputMatchCallback: @filename: the filename or URI |
xmlOutputOpenCallback |
xmlOutputOpenCallback: @filename: the filename or URI |
xmlOutputWriteCallback |
xmlOutputWriteCallback: @context: an Output context @buffer: the buffer of data to write @len: the length of the buffer in bytes |
xmlParserCtxt | |
xmlParserCtxtPtr | |
xmlParserErrors |
xmlParserError: |
xmlParserInput | |
xmlParserInputBuffer | |
xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc |
xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilenameFunc: @URI: the URI to read from @enc: the requested source encoding |
xmlParserInputBufferPtr | |
xmlParserInputDeallocate |
xmlParserInputDeallocate: @str: the string to deallocate |
xmlParserInputPtr | |
xmlParserInputState |
xmlParserInputState: |
xmlParserMode |
xmlParserMode: |
xmlParserNodeInfo |
xmlParserNodeInfo: |
xmlParserNodeInfoPtr | |
xmlParserNodeInfoSeq | |
xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr | |
xmlParserOption |
xmlParserOption: |
xmlParserProperties |
xmlParserProperties: |
xmlParserSeverities |
xmlParserSeverities: |
xmlPattern |
xmlPattern: |
xmlPatternFlags |
xmlPatternFlags: |
xmlPatternPtr | |
xmlRMutex | |
xmlRMutexPtr | |
xmlReaderTypes |
xmlReaderTypes: |
xmlReallocFunc |
xmlReallocFunc: @mem: an already allocated block of memory @size: the new size requested in bytes |
xmlRef |
xmlRef: |
xmlRefPtr | |
xmlRefTable | |
xmlRefTablePtr | |
xmlRegExecCallbacks |
xmlRegExecCallbacks: @exec: the regular expression context @token: the current token string @transdata: transition data @inputdata: input data |
xmlRegExecCtxt |
xmlRegExecCtxtPtr: |
xmlRegExecCtxtPtr | |
xmlRegexp |
xmlRegexpPtr: |
xmlRegexpPtr | |
xmlRegisterNodeFunc |
xmlRegisterNodeFunc: @node: the current node |
xmlRelaxNG | |
xmlRelaxNGParserCtxt |
A schemas validation context |
xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr | |
xmlRelaxNGParserFlag | |
xmlRelaxNGPtr | |
xmlRelaxNGValidCtxt | |
xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr | |
xmlRelaxNGValidErr | |
xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc |
xmlRelaxNGValidityErrorFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc |
xmlRelaxNGValidityWarningFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlSAXHandler | |
xmlSAXHandlerPtr | |
xmlSAXHandlerV1 | |
xmlSAXHandlerV1Ptr | |
xmlSAXLocator | |
xmlSAXLocatorPtr | |
xmlSaveCtxt | |
xmlSaveCtxtPtr | |
xmlSaveOption |
xmlSaveOption: |
xmlSchema |
The schemas related types are kept internal |
xmlSchemaAnnot |
Annotation |
xmlSchemaAnnotPtr | |
xmlSchemaAttribute |
xmlSchemaAttribute: An attribute definition. |
xmlSchemaAttributeGroup |
An attribute group definition. |
xmlSchemaAttributeGroupPtr | |
xmlSchemaAttributeLink |
xmlSchemaAttributeLink: Used to build a list of attribute uses on complexType definitions. WARNING: Deprecated; not used. |
xmlSchemaAttributeLinkPtr | |
xmlSchemaAttributePtr | |
xmlSchemaContentType | |
xmlSchemaElement | |
xmlSchemaElementPtr | |
xmlSchemaFacet | |
xmlSchemaFacetLink |
xmlSchemaFacetLink: Used to build a list of facets. |
xmlSchemaFacetLinkPtr | |
xmlSchemaFacetPtr | |
xmlSchemaNotation |
A notation definition. |
xmlSchemaNotationPtr | |
xmlSchemaParserCtxt |
A schemas validation context |
xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr | |
xmlSchemaPtr | |
xmlSchemaSAXPlugPtr | |
xmlSchemaSAXPlugStruct | |
xmlSchemaType | |
xmlSchemaTypeLink |
xmlSchemaTypeLink: Used to build a list of types (e.g. member types of simpleType with variety "union"). |
xmlSchemaTypeLinkPtr | |
xmlSchemaTypePtr | |
xmlSchemaTypeType | |
xmlSchemaVal | |
xmlSchemaValPtr | |
xmlSchemaValType | |
xmlSchemaValidCtxt | |
xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr | |
xmlSchemaValidError |
This error codes are obsolete; not used any more. |
xmlSchemaValidOption |
xmlSchemaValidOption: |
xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc |
xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlSchemaValidityLocatorFunc |
xmlSchemaValidityLocatorFunc: @ctx: user provided context @file: returned file information @line: returned line information |
xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc |
xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlSchemaWhitespaceValueType | |
xmlSchemaWildcard |
xmlSchemaWildcard. A wildcard. |
xmlSchemaWildcardNs |
xmlSchemaCharValueLink: Used to build a list of namespaces on wildcards. |
xmlSchemaWildcardNsPtr | |
xmlSchemaWildcardPtr | |
xmlSchematron |
The schemas related types are kept internal |
xmlSchematronParserCtxt |
A schemas validation context |
xmlSchematronParserCtxtPtr | |
xmlSchematronPtr | |
xmlSchematronValidCtxt | |
xmlSchematronValidCtxtPtr | |
xmlSchematronValidOptions | |
xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc |
xmlSchematronValidityErrorFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc |
xmlSchematronValidityWarningFunc: @ctx: the validation context @msg: the message @...: extra arguments |
xmlShellCmd |
xmlShellCmd: @ctxt: a shell context @arg: a string argument @node: a first node @node2: a second node |
xmlShellCtxt |
xmlShellCtxt: |
xmlShellCtxtPtr | |
xmlShellReadlineFunc |
xmlShellReadlineFunc: @prompt: a string prompt |
xmlStrdupFunc |
xmlStrdupFunc: @str: a zero terminated string |
xmlStreamCtxt | |
xmlStreamCtxtPtr | |
xmlStructuredErrorFunc |
xmlStructuredErrorFunc: @userData: user provided data for the error callback @error: the error being raised. |
xmlTextReader |
xmlTextReader: |
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc |
xmlTextReaderErrorFunc: @arg: the user argument @msg: the message @severity: the severity of the error @locator: a locator indicating where the error occured |
xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr | |
xmlTextReaderMode |
xmlTextReaderMode: |
xmlTextReaderPtr |
xmlTextReaderPtr: |
xmlTextWriter | |
xmlTextWriterPtr | |
xmlURI |
xmlURI: |
xmlURIPtr | |
xmlValidCtxt | |
xmlValidCtxtPtr | |
xmlValidState | |
xmlValidStatePtr | |
xmlValidityErrorFunc |
xmlValidityErrorFunc: @ctx: usually an xmlValidCtxtPtr to a validity error context, but comes from ctxt->userData (which normally contains such a pointer); ctxt->userData can be changed by the user. @msg: the string to format *printf like vararg @...: remaining arguments to the format |
xmlValidityWarningFunc |
xmlValidityWarningFunc: @ctx: usually an xmlValidCtxtPtr to a validity error context, but comes from ctxt->userData (which normally contains such a pointer); ctxt->userData can be changed by the user. @msg: the string to format *printf like vararg @...: remaining arguments to the format |
xmlXIncludeCtxt | |
xmlXIncludeCtxtPtr | |
xmlXPathAxis | |
xmlXPathAxisFunc |
xmlXPathAxisFunc: @ctxt: the XPath interpreter context @cur: the previous node being explored on that axis |
xmlXPathAxisPtr | |
xmlXPathCompExpr | |
xmlXPathCompExprPtr | |
xmlXPathContext | |
xmlXPathContextPtr | |
xmlXPathConvertFunc |
xmlXPathConvertFunc: @obj: an XPath object @type: the number of the target type |
xmlXPathError |
The set of XPath error codes. |
xmlXPathEvalFunc |
xmlXPathEvalFunc: @ctxt: an XPath parser context @nargs: the number of arguments passed to the function |
xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc |
xmlXPathFuncLookupFunc: @ctxt: an XPath context @name: name of the function @ns_uri: the namespace name hosting this function |
xmlXPathFuncPtr | |
xmlXPathFunct | |
xmlXPathFunction |
xmlXPathFunction: @ctxt: the XPath interprestation context @nargs: the number of arguments |
xmlXPathObject | |
xmlXPathObjectPtr | |
xmlXPathObjectType | |
xmlXPathParserContext | |
xmlXPathParserContextPtr | |
xmlXPathType | |
xmlXPathTypePtr | |
xmlXPathVariable | |
xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc |
xmlXPathVariableLookupFunc: @ctxt: an XPath context @name: name of the variable @ns_uri: the namespace name hosting this variable |
xmlXPathVariablePtr |