Archival Literature

Articles in Journals

  1. [1] K. Berčič, M. Kohlhase, and F. Rabe (2020) (Deep) fair mathematics. it – Information Technology 62 (1), pp. 7–17. External Links: Document, Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [2] M. Kohlhase, J. Corneli, C. David, D. Ginev, C. Jucovschi, A. Kohlhase, C. Lange, B. Matican, S. Mirea, and V. Zholudev (2011) The planetary system: web 3.0 & active documents for STEM. Procedia Computer Science 4, pp. 598–607. Note: Finalist at the Executable Paper Grand Challenge External Links: Link, Document Cited by: p1.

Papers at International, Peer-Reviewed Conferences

  1. [9] R. Marcus, M. Kohlhase, and F. Rabe (2020) TGView3D: a system for 3-dimensional visualization of theory graphs. In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM) 2020, C. Benzmüller and B. Miller (Eds.), LNAI, Vol. 12236, pp. 290–296. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [8] E. Luzhnica and M. Kohlhase (2016) Formula semantification and automated relation finding in the OEIS. In Mathematical software - ICMS 2016 - 5th international congressMathematical Software - ICMS 2016 - 5th International Congress, G. Greuel, T. Koch, P. Paule, and A. Sommese (Eds.), LNCS, Vol. 9725. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  3. [2] D. Ginev and J. Corneli (2014) NNexus reloaded. In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics 2014, S. Watt, J. Davenport, A. Sexton, P. Sojka, and J. Urban (Eds.), LNCS, pp. 423–426. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  4. [4] M. Iancu, C. Jucovschi, M. Kohlhase, and T. Wiesing (2014) System description: In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics 2014, S. Watt, J. Davenport, A. Sexton, P. Sojka, and J. Urban (Eds.), LNCS, pp. 431–434. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  5. [5] M. Kohlhase (2012) The Planetary project: towards eMath3.0. In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics, J. Jeuring, J. A. Campbell, J. Carette, G. Dos Reis, P. Sojka, M. Wenzel, and V. Sorge (Eds.), LNAI, pp. 448–452. External Links: 1206.5048 Cited by: p1.
  6. [6] C. Lange, P. Ion, A. Dimou, C. Bratsas, W. Sperber, M. Kohlhase, and I. Antoniou (2012) Bringing mathematics to the web of data: the case of the mathematics subject classification. In The semantic webThe Semantic Web, E. Simperl, P. Cimiano, A. Polleres, O. Corcho, and V. Presutti (Eds.), LNCS, pp. 763–777. External Links: Link, Document Cited by: p1.
  7. [1] S. Autexier, C. David, D. Dietrich, M. Kohlhase, and V. Zholudev (2011) Workflows for the management of change in science, technologies, engineering and mathematics. In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics, J. Davenport, W. Farmer, F. Rabe, and J. Urban (Eds.), LNAI, pp. 164–179. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  8. [3] F. Horozal, A. Iacob, C. Jucovschi, M. Kohlhase, and F. Rabe (2011) Combining source, content, presentation, narration, and relational representation. In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics, J. Davenport, W. Farmer, F. Rabe, and J. Urban (Eds.), LNAI, pp. 212–227. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  9. [7] C. Lange, M. Kohlhase, C. David, D. Ginev, A. Kohlhase, B. Matican, S. Mirea, and V. Zholudev (2011) The planetary system: executable science, technology, engineering and math papers. In The semantic web: research and applications (part II)ESWC (Part II), G. Antoniou, M. Grobelnik, E. Paslaru Bontas Simperl, B. Parsia, D. Plexousakis, P. D. Leenheer, and J. Z. Pan (Eds.), LNCS, pp. 471–475. External Links: 1103.1482 Cited by: p1.


  1. [2] J. Albert (2023) A multi-system narrative search for mathematical libraries – narrative harvesting of math archives. MSc Thesis, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [4] A. Christoph (2023) Hybride künstliche intelligenz in der industriellen produktion am beispiel der sichtprüfung von räumlichen montagebaugruppen. MSc Thesis, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  3. [5] M. Helmke (2023) Formalization and annotation of company register processes via logic. MSc Thesis, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  4. [1] J. Albert (2022) Towards a multi-system narrative search for mathematical libraries – narrative harvesting. Master Project Report, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  5. [8] M. Wagner (2021) Tetrapodal harvesting of the oeis – fair, semantic extraction and organization. Master’s Thesis, Informatik, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  6. [3] C. Alt (2019-12) Diagram chasing done meta – formula search for nLab. B.Sc. Thesis, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  7. [7] M. Rupprecht (2019-05) Visualization of theory graphs. M.Sc. Thesis, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  8. [6] R. Marcus (2019-04) 3D-visualization of theory graphs. M.Sc. Thesis, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.

Bachelors/Masters Project Reports

  1. [1] J. Albert (2022) Towards a multi-system narrative search for mathematical libraries – narrative harvesting. Master Project Report, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.

Gray Literature

Papers at Peer-Reviewed Workshops

  1. [6] M. Rupprecht, M. Kohlhase, and D. Müller (2017) A flexible, interactive theory-graph viewer. In MathUI 2017: the 12th workshop on mathematical user interfacesMathUI 2017: The 12th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces, A. Kohlhase and M. Pollanen (Eds.), External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [5] E. Luzhnica, M. Iancu, and M. Kohlhase (2015-10) Importing the OEIS library into OMDoc. In Proceedings of the LWA 2015 workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDBProceedings of the LWA 2015 Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB, R. Bergmann, S. Görg, and G. Müller (Eds.), pp. 296–303. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  3. [4] M. Iancu, C. Jucovschi, M. Kohlhase, and T. Wiesing (2014) System description: In Intelligent computer mathematicsIntelligent Computer Mathematics 2014, S. Watt, J. Davenport, A. Sexton, P. Sojka, and J. Urban (Eds.), LNCS, pp. 431–434. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  4. [2] C. David, D. Ginev, M. Kohlhase, B. Matican, and S. Mirea (2011) A framework for modular semantic publishing with separate compilation and dynamic linking. In Proceedings of the 1st workshop on semantic publication, Extended Semantic Web Conference1st Workshop on Semantic Publication (SePublica), A. García Castro, C. Lange, E. Sandhaus, and A. de Waard (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Cited by: p1.
  5. [1] C. David, D. Ginev, M. Kohlhase, and J. Corneli (2010) eMath 3.0: building blocks for a social and semantic web for online mathematics & ELearning. In 1st International Workshop on Mathematics and ICT: Education, Research and Applications1st International Workshop on Mathematics and ICT: Education, Research and Applications, I. Mierlus-Mazilu (Ed.), External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  6. [3] C. David, C. Lange, and F. Rabe (2010) Interactive documents as interfaces to computer algebra systems: JOBAD and Wolfram—Alpha. In CALCULEMUS (emerging trends)CALCULEMUS (Emerging Trends), D. Delahaye and R. Rioboo (Eds.), pp. 13–30. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.

Technical Reports

  1. [1] K. Amann, M. Kohlhase, and F. Rabe (2018) Notebook import into (interactive display). Deliverable Technical Report D4.11, OpenDreamKit. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [3] M. Kohlhase and T. Wiesing (2017) In-place computation in active documents (context/computation). Deliverable Technical Report D4.9, OpenDreamKit. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  3. [5] M. Kohlhase (2017) Distributed, collaborative, versioned editing of active documents in Deliverable Technical Report D4.3, OpenDreamKit. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  4. [4] M. Kohlhase (2016) Active/structured documents requirements and existing solutions. Deliverable Technical Report D4.2, OpenDreamKit. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  5. [2] M. Iancu, M. Kohlhase, and F. Rabe (2011) Translating the Mizar Mathematical Library into OMDoc format. Technical report Technical Report KWARC Report-01/11, Jacobs University Bremen. Cited by: p1.


  1. [2] M. Kohlhase (2011) General Computer Science: GenCS I/II Lecture Notes. Semantic Course Notes in Panta Rhei. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.
  2. [1] C. David (2010) Interactive documents as interfaces to computer algebra systems: JOBAD and Wolfram—Alpha. B. Sc. Thesis, Jacobs University Bremen. External Links: Link Cited by: p1.